Storage Blog

Canadian Self Storage Prices

Self Storage Demand The Canadian self storage industry is in strong demand as a result of a number of factors. There are generally 4 primary drivers of self storage known as the 4 Ds of self storage: Downsizing, Dislocation, Divorce & Death. Each of these driver typically results in an

Sharing economy is an economic model defined as a peer to peer (P2P) based activity of providing or sharing access to goods and services. This is not a new model because people have shared the use of assets for thousands of years. However, the advent of the Internet has made

Garage Cleaning Tips

Want to check-off garage cleaning off your to-do list? Maybe you want to finally be able to fit your car in the garage. Your garage is a place where you store your old furniture, sports equipment, tools, patio furniture, holiday décor, or old photo albums. Now is the perfect opportunity

Free Moving Boxes

Canadians move 5 to 6 times in their lifetime and 70 per cent of moving is from June to September. This is the most expensive time to move because moving companies raise their prices due to high demand and limited resources. That said, moving expenses can easily add up as